Thane Of Glamis (Act 1- Start)
Thane Of Cawdor (Act 1 Scene 3)
King Of Scotland (Act 2 Scene 4)
First Appearance: Act 1 Scene 3
Last Appearance: Act 5 Scene 7
Death: Act 5 Scene 8
Summary: A worthy Thane, who is noble and fierce in his punishments, is thwarted by his inner greed. He is influenced by his wife and his own lust for prestiege that he submits and kills all in his path to the throne.These actions are only initiated whenthe witches of the heath prophecize that he shall be king.
Nature: greedy
Spouse: Lady Macbeth
Relation to King: Cousin
Kills: Duncan (Act 2 scene 2)
Has Others Kill:
Banquo (Act 3 Scene 3)
Thane Of Fife's Family (Macduff's) (Act 4 Scene 2)
Lady Macbeth
Wife of Glamis, Cawdor and King
First Appearance: Act 1 Scene 5
Last Appearance: Act 5 Scene 5
Death: Act 5 Scene 8
Summary: A manipulative woman, who wishes for her thane to become most powerful, to achieve crown. she twists her thane into believing that the only way to be a manto her is to kill duncan, so they may become king and queen.
Nature: greedy and decieving
Spouse: Macbeth
Relation to King: Cousin (in-law)
Has Others Kill: Duncan
King of Scotland
First Appearance: Act 1 Scene 2
Last Appearance: Act 2 Scene 2
Death: Act 2 Scene 1-2
Summary: A king, who is gentle adn kind, and, may appear as a push over.
Nature: Kind
Spouse: N/A
Son of King Duncan, Prince of Scotland
King of Scotland (Act 5 Scene 7)
First Appearance: Act 1 Scene 2
Last Appearance: Act 5 Scene 7
Death: N/A
Summary: Son of the king, who's father was slain by Macbeth. He fled to England to gather an army and prepare to take back his throne, in which he was sucessful.
Nature: Just, The purveyor of justice and return to natural order.
Spouse: N/A
Relation to King: Son
Has Others Kill: Macbeth + Lady Macbeth
Son of King Duncan, Prince of Scotland, second in line
First Appearance: Act 1 Scene 2
Last Appearance: Act 2 Scene 3
Death: N/A
Summary: Son of the king, who's father was slain by Macbeth. He fled to Ireland.
Nature: Good
Spouse: N/A
Relation to King: Son
Thane of Fife
First Appearance: Act 2
Last Appearance: Act 5 Scene 7
Death: N/A
Summary: A man who is curious of Macbeth whenthe king had been slain. he was the first character to establish mistrust in Macbeth. he did not attend to Scone, and soon after Malcolm fleed to England, he followed in hopes for Malcolm to return to his rightful throne.
Nature: couragous, true, in favour of Malcolm
Spouse: Lady Macduff
Relation to King: Cousin
Has Others Kill: Lady Macbeth
Kills: Macbeth
Lady Macduff
Wife of Thane of Fife
Attendant to Lady Macbeth
First Appearance: Act 4
Last Appearance: Act 4
Death: Act 4
Summary: Married to Thane of fife
Nature: sweet, caring.
Spouse: Macduff
Relation to King: Cousin (In-Law)
Three Witches
Witches that work for goddess of magic, Hecate.
First Appearance: Act 1 Scene 1
Last Appearance: Act 4
Death: N/A
Summary: Three witches, who are very powerful, and can give prophecy. They give prophecies to Macbeth and Banquo.
Nature: Evil, Creepy.
Spouse: N/A
Greek goddess of magic.
First Appearance: Act 3 Scene 5
Last Appearance: Act 4 Scene 1
Death: N/A
Summary: The all-Powerfull godess of magic. Enters Act 3 Scene 5, angry at the witches because they did not include her inplaying with Macbeth. The Witches are her servants/
Nature: Powerful, Evil
Spouse: N/A
Nobleman to Duncan, Best friend of Macbeth.
First Appearance: Act 1 Scene 3
Last Appearance: Act 4 Scene 1
Death: Act 3 scene 3
Summary: A noble and gracious man who cannot lie. He is very valiant and will let justice prevail. An honest man. is ofter referred to with natural Imagry.
Nature: Good, Honest
Spouse: N/A
Son of Banquo
First Appearance: Act 2 Scene 1
Last Appearance: Act 3 Scene 3
Death: N/A
Summary: The Child of Banquo. Is depicted as a young teenager between the ages of 13-17
Nature: Good
Spouse: N/A
Nobleman of Duncan
Nobleman of Macbeth
First Appearance: Act 1 Scene 2
Last Appearance: Act 5
Death: N/A
Summary: A Nobleman of Scotland
Nature: Good
Spouse: N/A
First Appearance: Act 1 Scene 2
Last Appearance: Act 5
Death: N/A
Summary: A Nobleman of Scotland
Nature: Good
Spouse: N/A
First Appearance: Act 1 Scene 3
Last Appearance: Act 5
Death: N/A
Summary: A Nobleman of Scotland
Nature: Good
Spouse: N/A
Reble of Scotland
First Appearance: Act 4 scene 2
Last Appearance: Act 5
Death: N/A
Summary: A reble of Scotland
Nature: Good
Spouse: N/A
Reble of Scotland
First Appearance: Act 4 scene 2
Last Appearance: Act 5
Death: N/A
Summary: A reble of Scotland
Nature: Good
Spouse: N/A
Old Man
Young Siward
Three Murderers
First Appearance: Act 2
Last Appearance: Act 2
Death: N/A
Summary: A drunk man that knocks of Inverness castle door and is used as a comedic relief
Nature: Good
Spouse: N/A
Wise man
First Appearance: Act 2
Last Appearance: Act 2
Death: N/A
Summary: the wise man of scotland that talks to ross about the strange night it has been.
Nature: Good
Spouse: N/A
Son of Siward (English)
First Appearance: Act 5
Last Appearance: Act 5 Scene 7
Death: Act 5 Scene 7
Summary: Valiant fighter. depicted at age 16-18
Nature: Good
Spouse: N/A
English Man assisting Malcolm
First Appearance: Act 5
Last Appearance: Act 5
Death: N/A
Summary: English Man
Nature: Good
Spouse: N/A
Assistant of Macbeth
First Appearance: Act 5
Last Appearance: Act 5
Death: N/A
Summary: assistant and messenger to Macbeth durring the battle of Birnam wood and Dunsinane
Nature: Good
Spouse: N/A
Doctor attending Lady Macbeth
First Appearance: Act 5
Last Appearance: Act 5
Death: N/A
Summary: A doctor that suggests that Lady Macbeth needs to find god to clean herself of her guilt and inner evils.
Nature: Good
Spouse: N/A
Captian durring the battle between Scotland and Norwegians
First Appearance: Act 1 Scene 2
Last Appearance: Act 1 Scene 2
Death: N/A (But injured when taked off scene)
Summary: Fortells the valiant efforts of brave Macebth and how he had given justice to the betrayers
Nature: Good
Spouse: N/A
Title(s): Murderers
First Appearance: Act 3
Last Appearance: Act 3
Death: N/A
Summary: Three men hireed to kill Banquo and Fleance, but Fleance escapes
Nature: Bad
Spouse: N/A