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Ratios and Rates

Math Antics talks Ratios

Ratios Can be Expressed in different forms


these are all examples of ratios:




m/h (miles per hour)

Heres a video explaining how ratios work, and how they are used in real life.

If you missed that: heres what you can write as a note for yourself when it coumes to doubling (or more) a ratio and dividing a ratio.


+ Remember to keep it fair! When given two ratios: If you multiply or divide one side of a ratio by a number, you must do that to the other! 


+ Ratios are a relationship, not a contrast. each value is important to solving the eqaution. As mentioned in the video, it is a fraction that describes one thing, whee a ratio describes two.


The recipe for concentrated juice from frozen calls for 1 container consentrate and 2 conainers water. Express the ratio.




so first the best thing to do is extract the information given. You have two numbers present.


1 Container Concentrate

2 Containers Water


Next, put those numbers into ratio form:




Example Problem:





CURRENCY Is a strange thing, in which each type of currency has a different value compared to another. For Example, as off 2015, the US Dollar has been worth more than the Canadian Dollar.


What this means is that when traveling to a destination of choice, you might have to switch currencies, and ultimately maybe save money in the process, as places may take Canadian or American dollars on par (1 dollar in US is 1 dollar in the place of visitation) or they may take it by the exchange amount

Heres a Problem to help

The current exchange rate for $1.00 Canadian is $0.83 American. I have $100.00 Canadian I'd like to convert to American dollars. How much is $100.00 Canadian in the USA?




First, look to see what information you have.


+ $1.00 Canadian is $0.83 American

+ You have $100.00 Canadian 

+ You need to know how much 100 dollars Canadian is in the States.


Now, You have one whole ratio, and one that needs to be solved.

 Show the ratio you know.



1.00 : 0.83


Next, add what information you do know, and leave the other side of the ratio blank.



1.00 : 0.83

100.00 :    


Now, find out how many times 100 goes into 1 by division.


100/ 1 = 100


Now, Multiply 100 by 0.83 to find out how much 100.00 Canadian is in american.




1.00 : 0.83                             $100.00 x $0.83 = $83.00

100.00 :  83.00  




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